Thursday, January 26, 2012

Birth Control...LOL

12:00 am wake up out of dead sleep to mayley having a nightmare screaming for momma

12:20 lay back down

12:30 wake up to Lainey crying, can't calm her have to feed her.

1:00 lay back down

3:30 wake up to Lainey crying and have to feed her again

4:00 lay back down

7:30 force myself out of bed even though I never really fully went back to sleep.

8:00 prepare breakfast for my two girls and myself

8:30 clean it up

8:35 Celebrated with Mayley over her going pee on the potty with no potty ring! Told her she could get a special treat today.

8:20 play ref while the two girls pester each other

9:00 take care of personal business while doing laundry

9:30 more laundry

9:45 begin cleaning all three bathroom and I mean cleaning them. Scrub bath, toilets, mirrors, sinks, counters you name it I did it.

10:30 fed Lainey and put her down for a nap

10:45 Took a  huge breath and fought back feelings of exhaustion kicking in.

10:50 had a few long phone calls with dear friends. Of course they are always willing to let me go so I can get back to my craziness but I need a little adult convo to escape every now and then.

11:45 started worrying about Mayley's rash and called Dr. to make an appointment for 2:20 and then started getting panicky that was pretty soon.

11:50 prepared and ate a snack with Mayley while discussing the well being of her fish Happy and talking about what she wanted for her special treat. She wants to climb a palm tree...not sure that can happen but we will try.

12:00 sat down looking at the clock noting it was only 12 and I already wanted to plan my escape route.

12:15 texted rash pictures to various friends trying to diagnose my daughter's rash.

12:30 Put actual clothes on myself and my daughter. I even brushed my teeth. I wiped the mascara off from yesterday and through my hair in a lovely pony tail. I look hot. HOT MESS!

12:45 ran, skipped, walked to the mail box with Mayley. Had to tell her to stop rubbing the berries off of the little palm trees on her face...I know strange. Tis my life.

1:00 Lainey woke up and we ate and got dressed. Ran around like a chicken with my head cut off to get packed and out the door.

1:20 picked up Mc Donald's for Mayley's special treat. Ate it at the park on a blanket while Lainey took off trying to become friends with two huge Irish wolf dogs or something like that.

1:50 Mayley got to play in the park for 10 minutes yup 10. The through a fit because we had to go the Dr. That was fun. Diaper bag on one shoulder, baby on hip and noodle like falling child dragging behind on the other hand.

2:00 Sitting in car thinking that a drive through martini bar would be excellent. I know that is wrong but you can't help what goes through your mind. Deep breath here we go.

2:20 Arrive at Dr.s (Circus music now plays) Mayley freaked the hell out because she had to pee but refused to go in their bathroom because of the loud fan in there...Lainey screaming because sissy is. Mommy turning red, wanting to to run, scream, and throw a tantrum! Why can't moms have a tantrum?

3:00 Got into a room...more screaming, crying and psychotic thoughts running through my mind.

3:30 open door with a twitching eye asking for the Dr or else I will leave them and run out the door..Yes I said this out loud.

3:31 Dr. enters. Not sure what came of it because of all the screaming that causes your mind to not listen...
walked out with a prescription and a few more knots on my shoulders Other eye is twitching now.

4:00 Get in Car. Ok what just happened? Mayley has a staff infection need to get a cream ok check! She could have sensitive ears, it could be a phase, maybe you should see a psychiatrist for her...No No lady maybe for me! She's 3 let's just leave it at that.

4:12 HOME! Get kids out and in house, feed lainey, pee, mayley pees, unload on husband, answer a million texts. Tell mayley to go in time out for hitting sissy on the head with a doll house doll.

have no clue what time it is anymore but am blogging about my day  while listening to lainey punt out the piano keys and mayley tell me she wants roller skates!

4:45 going with whole fan to get mayley her special treat for finally peeing not he potty like a big girl! Night not even close to being over.

For tonight I am hoping to get them down early and watch a movie with the hubs on the couch in our PJ's relaxing and spending quality time together. Hope was the key word here.


Ahhhh the joys of being a mommy!


  1. Love it! That just sounds like a normal day in my life. Just wait until you have 3 kids that you have to take to the dr. The best is when you have to take all 3 kids to the dr. For an appointment for yourself. I don't recommend it. Hang in there. Somehow we find the strength to survive and get through every day. You are a loving and caring mom and doing a great job.

  2. What a day! Glad you survived! I hope you have some Blue Moon handy!
