Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This is Why I Love Him

I have never been the type that NEEDS diamonds, gifts, extravagant excursions etc. Ok, who am I kidding! I am a girl and a romantic at that. Of course I wouldn't complain if I received these things but the point is, it's the little things in life that mean the most to me.

Some of my friends might have Mr. Romantic tied to them. The guy who surprises their girl with flowers at work, or has a little blue box hidden under her pillow in the morning when she wakes up. Or maybe he has a babysitter all picked out for the night with a hand delivered gown from Neimen's in her size, new Jimmy Choo's to match, a spa day and a fancy dinner awaiting for the night. Wait...Who the bleep's man does that? LOL I wish....back to my point.

While some might have this type of man in their life, I have that man who I never have to ask to help out around the house, who proudly changes diapers without hesitation, who bathes his kids with joy even after a long stressful day at work, grocery shops with me because he knows I like it, cooks when I just can't get it together, and picks me up when I am down with no questions asked. He is proud of me and I of him and we still to this day honor our commitment to each other as soul mates.

Alright alright I just heard a few people vomit..Sorry! I just can't help but brag about how much I love my best friend, my soul mate and my husband and this is why. Every birthday, anniversary and Valentine's Day I always get the best card from him. I might not always get that big elaborate surprise that happened on Day's of Our Lives that I was hoping Brad might have telepathically picked up through my mind and would re create, but I do ALWAYS get the best heart felt cards! I choose these over anything else. Here is the one he gave me today! I have kept them all over the last 13 years :)

And in good ol' Brad style he always throws something a bit scandalous in there...LOL


  1. Oh man, Thank you for making me cry this morning reading this. Brad is a such a great man! I love you guys!

  2. Yeah, I just teared up too.... you have a good man ASH.... and good thing he is a little scadalous every now and then. Keeps you interested and feelings fresh. Love it.
