After a nice long week off Brad started his new job and he likes it! Thank God :) However, he still has to journey out the the lake every day in his truck that has no air. I know...I know we are going to buy him a new one this weekend. His very first brand new truck!
I will be finishing my summer school class on Thursday!!! yay! It has been a hard 5 weeks of work but its finally over and I can relax without having to worry about any papers to write. I still have about 5 more classes to go. They start back up in August and if i stick to the plan I will graduate next summer. The first person in my family to go to college and get a masters!

But I can handle it becasue I am nice and rested now. My little angel is sleeping through the night, from about 8 to 4, bottle, then again until 7 or 8. Lately she has been sleeping all the way through from 8-7 but I know that won't last. LOL She even takes two to three naps a day. We have a great routine going and we stick to it. It makes life much better.
She can also clap her hands, wave, and give kisses if you ask. It is the cutest thing in the world! Her favorite game is when Brad or I says, "I'm gunna get you!" and she takes off crawling and screaming as fast as she can while we chase after her groaning in pain from crawling on our knees. Ouch! Another favorite of hers is swimming. She is such a water bug. She loves to splash! She even tries to swim in the bathtub. I think she could spend all day swimming if we let her.
Another first for Mayley will be going on her very first road trip to California. We will be going to My best friends wedding in the middle of July. I can't wait to take her to the beach! She will also be going on her very first plain ride in August to see her great grandma (my gramma Lou) and all her great uncles and aunts and cousins. When we get back to Vegas she gets to meet Brad's bother and family for the very first time. It will be so neat for her to meet her three first cousins...they all look alike and are all little so they will have so much together. Then after all that Mayley will be celebrating her first birthday on August 21st! Talk about a busy first year of life!
Like I said before, this summer is packed full of firsts and we are keeping busy. For some reason a lot more work comes with firsts...I wonder what it will be like when number two comes along? Hmmmm.