After a long night of no sleep, thanks to peeing 5 times and having constant RLS and numb hips, I finally awoke unrested to the crying of a 2.5 year old at 6 am. And so my day beings or maybe never ended from the previous day to its just continuous. Needless to say..Up and at em..slowly that it is. SO with out further delay here is how this day unfolds:
Dressed the kid
fed the kid and my belly and my fetuses belly
potty time for the kid
dishes, laundry
stop to catch my breath and pee for the 8th time this am
watch Curious George while making spaghetti noodles out of blue play dough
Poop time for the kid
sneeze and pee..yes don't act surprised it happens
Clean up disaster after disaster of books, blocks, Tupperware, baking tools, and underwear int he toilet....that's a fact the kid put her undies in the toilet.
More potty time for the kid
wanted to shoot myself after watching Signing time with Alex and Leah and the tune is stuck in my head
Of course the kid sleeps and I lay on the couch having become in involved in Days of Our Lives, FB and editing photos. There went nap
Finally got dressed
More laundry
and am currently looking for where in the world is Mayley's bathing suit for swim class tonight?
Oh and I managed to make a gourmet dinner of fish sticks and mac and cheese...Don't judge me! I ate my greens and red today! They were jelly beans but who cares? LOL
My ribs ache and my back hurts, my underwear are getting to small, and I have acid reflux, I can't poop and I am totally sleep deprived!
AND ITS MONDAY! All I can say is 8 more weeks...That's all