Friday, January 20, 2012


The time has come and it came quick! My little peanut started her very first day of school on Wednesday. Oh the tears did come, not from her but me. As soon as I drove away I was wiping the tears away. She on the other hand couldn't wait to get in there and be around her "friends" and play with cars. I think she forgot about all the other things that they told her she would be learning. LOL (that was the bitter)

The sweet part is I get two days a week for three hours all to my self! I never knew how much I needed this break until I was given it. I now get to spend some quality time with my Lainey Bug, I get to have quiet time and uninterrupted show time too! The best part is I get to eat lunch with out having someone asking for a bite! I can even take a nap! Man this is heaven! The real best part is picking my girl up from school and seeing that she is excited to see me and I am rejuvenated and excited to see her and ask all about her day.

As tough as it is to be a stay at home mom, I enjoy all the time I get with my girls. You only get a few years with them before they are off to school and begin their journey. I did sacrifice my job, the extra money we once had, and the sanity of being around adults, but on the flip side I am only sacrificing a few years. My job will always be there but my kids are only babies for so long.

Congratulations Mayley! You are on your way to a bright future :)

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