Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I love you, I love you not, I love you....NOT!

Hellloooooo is anyone out there?! To answer my own question, no. They are all on Facebook reading status updates, passing witty banter, fishing for attention, talking about their taco tuesday dinner while flirting behind their spouses back with so and so from the fourth grade. Oh yes and lets not forget the drama on the mommy board...LOL ;) Damn I knew I had an overload of snide comments waiting to burst out but I have none to direct them to. Oh well probably better that way.

Well folks I am not on Facebook (as once dramatically declared) nope I am here yes right here. I am forming thoughts with half ass grammar and hoping to elude that I don't take myself seriously...my mother would say at this point that I am being ornery. Mom it's called sarcasm by the way. Anyway, back to what I was going to say...

Hello, my name is Ashley and I am 17 days sober. I have kicked the Facebook habit! Well for the most part anyway. I still have my photog page but I need that for business purposes. But hey give me credit, I am not on there checking statuses, and all that nonsense. Now that I am no longer "connected" to the world  I am finding it very humorous, no scary is a more realistic word, that people do not know how to communicate with out it. Whenever you are concise of something specific you seem to notice it more. Everywhere I look people are having discussions about discussions on Facebook. ODD...I used to do it too so don't think I am all high and mighty right now, I am just saying.

Now that I am "clean" I have found myself less clouded in negativity, using my brain more to research things instead of just asking on fb, reaching out to friends and family over the phone or face to face instead of cyber stalking them. I feel like I am in the 90's! Such a trip! LOL

Okay enough of that bull whack!

In real life I have started a photography blog...I am disappointed that I have only 1 follower. LAME! So if you are reading this go follow it dag nammit! As far as my biz is going, it's going! I have been busy every weekend and am getting better and better with each shoot. Not to mention I am meeting some pretty fantabulous people out there. Brad on the other hand is not having fun with it! heheheheheh HE is my accountant and as we speak helping me get all my shit yes shit in order. Proving to be a pain in the ass. I swear I thought I was doing a good job of keeping track of expenses and client info and all that but I was wrong. But no worries, it almost all nice and neat and shiny thanks to my amazing and semi OCD husband :) If it wasn't for him I would be up to elbows in a shoe box full of receipts and missing paperwork while the IRS harasses me. Speaking of the IRS...now that I have my own business and paying more attention to taxes and the like, I would like to say a big F U to the government who is taking a shit load of my hard earned money :( Pisses me the hell off!

That is all.

BTW The title has nothing to do with this blog because I went off in some other direction...LOL


  1. HAHA! I agree with your thoughts on Facebook, there is so much negativity & the constant "well why didn't they comment on that" and grass is greener BS...I want to quit some days too but I am thinking I might just delete the app on my phone but still keep my account. Pretty bad that is the 1st thing I check when I wake up & last thing I check before I go to bed. eww! Especially since I am addicted to pinterest, maybe that will fill the void. We will see. Glad business is going so well for you! And because I feel so sorry for you being such a loser and only have 1 follower, I will make it 2 for you. hehe! =)

  2. I just clicked your imaginary like button! hahaha
