March was such a
busy month for us.
Mayley started crawling....and everywhere! In the same week she figured out how to pull herself up in her crib and now she loves to stand in front of the window and be the neighborhood watch. Every morning when she wakes up, she is standing in her crib with a huge smile on her face just waiting for me to come and get her. Makes my day every day. :)
Mayley also got her first two teeth on the bottom. Teething was a nightmare!!! We only got a two week break and then she started teething again. It looks like the ones on top might be coming in soon. In April, we got to visit the Easter bunny. She tried to pull of his neck tie and eat it...I think she liked him. On Easter she received three stuffed bunnies from us, Uncle Drew, Great Grandma and
Grampa, and a huge
Easter basket from grams and grams...she's not spoiled.
She also started eating like a monster this month.
She can put back two step two packages of Gerber baby food and then have a bottle! She loves peas still..well she loves everything.I even started giving her those little puffs and she loves those things too. She also holding her own bottle. She can hold it, but then gives up...too much work I guess. This month
Mayley also started to take baths in the big tub...she likes that too. She loves to splash!
Speaking of splashing. The other day the weather was so nice we all went to the pool and
Mayley got her first taste of pool really she drank the water. But overall she loved being in the pool and was splashing away! And lastly I
have been trying to be brave and when
Mayley wakes up at her usual 2 AM time I have been letting her cry it out.
She only cried for about ten minutes and then went back to sleep. I am finally after 8 months getting her to sleep from 8-4:45. She gets her bottle then and goes back to sleep until 6:30-7. I feel so much better! So worth it. So let me take a breath has been a crazy two months and I'm sure it will get even crazier.